Where the current Premier League Managers can be found in CM9798 and is anybody still playing? 2023 Edition

Hello! It’s that time of year where we take our annual journey through the current Premier League managers and where they can be found in CM9798. Some new faces, some very old faces, faces all the same. Who is where? We’ll also look at the ever dwindling list of players in CM9798 still lacing up their boots professionally today.

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It’s the Annual CM9798 Birthday quiz! Also cast your vote for your favourite CM9798 players

Good morning to you. CM9798 will turn 26 on Tuesday and as Sunday is more or less the signature day for my blogs over the last 9 years (let that resonate for a second) I thought I’d bring the celebrations forward a few days. Nobody has the energy to party on a Tuesday – that’s just fact. So how do we celebrate the big TWO SIX?

In all honesty, I am running on fumes recently. Sickness has blighted CM9798 Towers and I’ve got very little to give. My laptop hasn’t been open all week until now, as I type this, at 10pm on Saturday evening. So here’s what we’ve got:

Take our Champed or Not Champed quiz! Remember to share your score on X (Twitter if you prefer old money). It literally starts below, so good luck.

If you are new around here, you could always take the quiz from last year

Or the year before.

Furthermore, last year we came up with Top 25 CM9798 Players. This was just from the Blog Squad votes so now we want your help in compiling a new list. It’s Eurovision style voting, all you have to do is give your points out below and we’ll reveal the results next week. 12 points to your favourite! If you can’t be bothered to do all 11 boxes that’s fine, any duplicates I’ll take your highest answer only.

CM9798 Best Players Vote

Don’t reflect too hard on 26 years of this great game, an awful lot has happened. Have a great week and I’ll be back hopefully soon.

Find us on YouTube

Morning! Whilst we temporarily lack a Saturday blog, I’d like to shamelessly plug the YouTube channel.


It’s mostly retro football games including CM9798. I’ll be doing some season run downs on the Barnsley save and will try and convince the rest of the blog squad to do the same. If you could be kind enough to subscribe all of this wonderful content will be waiting for you in your feed.

The latest video is of the PES Master League where I’m building a team of CM legends. You can see that below

CM9798: More than a game

Greetings to you all! Halloween is almost over and that means that so is CM9798’s birthday. I always enjoy the challenge each year of finding new ways to celebrate this great game, I mean granted I didn’t really for the first 17 years but since this site was launched in January 2015 we’ve tried our best to pay tribute. Of course, the CM9798 community keep this game alive every day and you really have to ask, is there a game of this age that is played as regularly as CM9798? I’m really not sure there is.

So why is it so special to us all?

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The CM9798 Birthday Quiz

Something a little bit different for this most special of days…we’ve prepared a CM9798 quiz! Please have a go and remember to tweet us your results @CM9798

The CM9798 Birthday Quiz

Celebrate CM9798's 24th birthday by taking our quiz. Just how much do you know about CM9798? No cheating!


Your answer:

Correct answer:

You got {{SCORE_CORRECT}} out of {{SCORE_TOTAL}}

Your Answers

CM9798 on iPad & iPhone

After a number of failed attempts over the years, I’m delighted to bring you instructions for how to get CM9798 (and I guess all DOS games) working on your Apple devices. A huge thanks to @Malte_Sven on Twitter for putting me onto this, I’ve got it working on my phone and iPad so if I can, you can.

For the avoidance of doubt, I am using an iPhoneXR on iOS 14.6 and an iPad Mini. For Android instructions, click here

To start with you will need:

The iDos2 app from the App store

A download of the game on the phone or iPad, available here.

Tiny fingers (iPhone only) or lots of patience

Once you have those three things, you can proceed.

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